About the Author

About the Author

Hi there! My name is Brandon Flanery, and I write about honest, messy things, specifically around faith and sexuality.

Being raised in evangelical Christendom as a closeted gay man wasn’t exactly a Sunday brunch, and unwinding what is real and true for me post-closet has been an ever-twisting journey — full of trailblazing, thorn bushes, and dead ends. But my hope is that my stumblings can somehow help others find their way or at least not feel so alone.

Regarding publications, I’m a published journalist with the Colorado Springs Indy, The Scribe, and Baptist News Global. I also have academic studies and essays with the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, all of which can be found on my Writing Portfolio page.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns for my eternal soul, you can email me at brandon@brandonflanery.com.